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0 votes
anarchists have on several occasions used creative commons licenses, but beyond a symbolic message, i don't see how they would use it except to sue the shit out of big companies who were using their ideas for marketing. Do anarchists have any use for either copyright laws, intellectual property, or moral concepts of creative property (the idea that if you came up with something, that it's YOURS?)

This was inspired by an argument i had with my brother, saying it would be immoral to quite a job and then use what you learned either to compete with them or help one of their competitors. I said i didn't see anything wrong with doing either of those things, and told him that "creative property" didn't exist and he got angry and the argument ended (no love for the stirnerite...:-/)
edited by anonymous
since anarchists (at least any i care about) have no use or desire for laws (and everything law implies), i think the answer is self-evident, no? copyright and property are terms that have no meaning without laws. they are capitalist concepts, not anarchist ones.

most anarchist writers i know label their work with "anti-copyright", and encourage others to use it as desired.

1 Answer

0 votes
Simple answer, no.
by (190 points)